Physicians & Therapists

Are you a physician or therapist looking for the right fit for your patient?

Do you have patients that are facing amputation or have already experienced limb loss? Who are looking for solutions to functional challenges?   If so, Integrity Prosthetics may be the right fit.

At Integrity Prosthetics we believe the patient gets the best care when all members of their team (physician, therapist, practitioner, and family members) work together

Lower Limb

  • Above Knee & Below Knee
  • Custom Anatomical Socket Design
  • Silicone Suction Suspension Systems
  • Silicone Locking Suspension Systems
  • Flexible Socket Materials
  • Microprocessor Controlled System
  • Ultra Light Components
  • Athletic & Work Specific Prostheses
  • Chopart, Symes, Rotationplasty & Partial Foot Prostheses

Upper Limb

  • Above Elbow & Below Elbow
  • Shoulder Disarticulation
  • Myoelectric Systems
  • Microprocessor Hands
  • Passive, Cosmetic Prostheses
  • Body Powered, Convention Prostheses
  • Athletic and Work Specific Prostheses
  • Silicone Locking System


We are happy to help you and your staff with any questions.

Download a PDF of this information here

How Can We Help?

Integrity Prosthetics can provide you with the most up-to-date technologies available today. Contact us today for your individual consultation.