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Celebrating 30 Years in Business

CELEBRATING 30 YEARS IN BUSINESS This year we are honored to celebrate our 30th anniversary. I hope everyone had a chance to read Shayne’s blog as he shared what the last 30 years has meant to him and us, as a business.  As we look forward to what the future…

Hi-Tech 30 Year Anniversary – Reflections From Our President

It’s hard to believe that Hi-Tech Artificial Limbs opened its doors for the first time 30 years ago.  What began as an ambitious conversation between two men, a dream of creating a clinic where everyone would feel welcome and loved, had finally come to fruition. My father, Maurice Adkins, and…

Get to Know the Employees: Charles DeRon Cunliffe

Name:  Charles DeRon Cunliffe Job Description:  Lab Director  CPA, CPT Who Inspires You:  my mother What was the best concert you ever attended:  Bob Seger If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go? Australia If you could be animal, what would you be?  Eagle What was the…

How Can We Help?

Integrity Prosthetics can provide you with the most up-to-date technologies available today. Contact us today for your individual consultation.